March 20, 2024 Telegram has started implementing additional email verification during account registration on a large scale. This restriction has affected many countries, including Indonesia and South Africa.
When registering an account, a dialog box appears prompting the user to enter their email address. The user inputs their email address to receive a verification code.
Afterward, the registration process remains the same—receiving an SMS code via the phone number.
Email serves as an additional confirmation of the user's authenticity.
The provided email address is saved in the account but can be easily replaced later. No additional code is required to change the email address. It is only used during registration.
This is where Telegram Expert comes in—a top-notch tool for working with Telegram that you can find.
It’s worth noting that the developers of this program quickly integrated the ability to register accounts in countries requiring email addresses during registration.
As of today, Telegram Expert offers an extensive range of functionalities for account registration, including registration using "push tokens," "safetynet," and "temporary email."
When registering in restricted regions, all you need to do is enable the "Generate Temporary Email" option in the "Registrar" module.
The cost of temporary email addresses is quite low, at just $5 for 1,000 temporary email inboxes.
When discussing bypassing Telegram restrictions, it’s impossible not to highlight the advantages of such a comprehensive software suite as Telegram Expert.
The partnership between SMSBower and the Telegram Expert team provides program users with additional features. For instance, automatic refunds for numbers with two-factor authentication and instant support in the community.
You can purchase a program key on the official website: or through the managers of our SMS service.
Happy registrations!